Iver William Jallah

Iver William Jallah is the owner of Film Keyz Productions. He is a film director and screenplay writer that has mastered the art of visual storytelling. Iver was born and raised in Ft. Worth, Texas wh

Grand Isle On Set of "Roberto" Stephen S. Campanelli, Raja Collins, Jake Seal, and Iver William Jallah Iver William Jallah Iver William Jallah Working with Kadee Strickland on set of "Grand Isle"
فیلم های این هنرمند :
تهیه کننده (3)
The Process The Process ( فیلم )

2019 Grand Isle Grand Isle ( فیلم )

2018 Rich Africans Rich Africans ( سریال )

خودش (1)
نویسنده (2)